PhD Program Forms, Guidelines & Information

These links provide the documents and forms critical to completing the ATLAS PhD program.

Rules and Regulations

Deadlines and Graduation

  • Online Graduation Application: Students must apply online to graduate. To do this, log onto On the Student tab, select the Apply for Graduation link under Academic Resources. This notifies the Graduate School (and ATLAS) that you intend to graduate, and it provides necessary information to the Commencement Office for ordering and shipping diplomas. If you do not complete requirements for the graduation date you indicate on the online application, you must apply online to graduate for the new graduation date. You must apply to graduate online whether or not you plan to attend the ceremony.
  • Current Student Deadlines: The Graduate School website outlines all important dates for graduation.


  • Checking your Committee: All committee members must be approved by the graduate school through a graduate faculty appointment (GFA). You can fill out the form linked to prompt your advisor (staff) to check the appointments for your committee.
  • PhD General Graduate Student form: use this form to register for dissertation, internship, or independent study credits, a general petition to the graduate committee, submit a PhD advisor change, and submit your PhD study plan.
  • PhD exam forms
  • Candidacy Application for an Advanced Degree: To be completed and submitted with Comprehensive Exam Form
  • Proposed Plan of Study Form: To be completed by the end of the first year of study. Must be signed and reflect "passing" by advisor and committee members.
  • Qualifying Preliminary Exam Form: To be completed by the end of the second year of study. Must be signed and reflect "passing" by advisor and committee members.
  • Doctoral Exam Report Form: To be used for comprehensive exam approval and final defense approval. *Must be submitted for approval to the Graduate School at least two weeks prior to exam date.


Dissertation and Thesis

  • Title of PhD Dissertation Submission: This can be a copy of your title page, provided on the leaflet or simply emailed to the Graduate School. Along with your dissertation title, it should include your name and department. This title will appear in the commencement program and your transcript.
  • Specifications for Preparing and Submitting Your Thesis & Doctoral Dissertation: This document has campus-wide specifications for theses and dissertations presented for graduate degrees at the Graduate School of the University of Colorado at Boulder. We recommend that students consult a style guide or standard handbook for more detailed specifications. If you have any questions, please contact