Esteemed scholar, author and public speaker Brené Brown will speak Nov. 8 at CU Boulder’s Macky Auditorium. The research professor and Huffington Endowed Chair at the University of Houston is hosted by the Distinguished Speakers Board, a student-led organization at CU Boulder.
Brown gained notoriety following her TEDx Houston talk “The Power of Vulnerability,” where she explored the concepts of vulnerability, courage and shame. Amassing more than 30 million views, her speech is one of the top five most-watched TED talks of all time.
In addition to her fame on the TEDx stage, she has published multiple books on The New York Times' best-seller list, including The Gifts of Imperfection, Daring Greatly and Rising Strong. Her most recent book Braving the Wilderness was released today.
“Dr. Brown is a highly distinguished speaker and scholar, who tactfully blends her research with powerful and uplifting storytelling,” said CU Boulder student Jessica Yan, chair of the Distinguished Speakers Board. “We believe her message of human connection, personal vulnerability and courage are incredibly pertinent in today’s climate.”
Audience members are encouraged to submit questions for Brown, to be answered during a moderated Q&A session following her speech. Questions may be submitted via the official Facebook event page, the board's Twitter account @CUDSB or BuffConnect portal.
Who: Open to the public
What: Distinguished Speakers Board: Brené Brown
When: Wednesday, Nov. 8, 7:30 p.m. (doors open at 6:30 p.m.)
Where: Macky Auditorium
Tickets: Go on sale Oct. 23
CU Boulder student ($2) and faculty/staff ($10) tickets are cash-only and require a valid Buff OneCard at time of purchase. Tickets will be sold weekdays beginning Oct. 23 from 10:30 a.m to 3 p.m. at the first-floor event table in the University Memorial Center and will continue through Nov. 8 (or until tickets are sold out).
Community tickets ($25) will be available beginning at 10:30 a.m. Oct. 23 exclusively via the Macky website.
The Distinguished Speakers Board is a student-run cost center of CU Student Government. The board strives to to bring diverse speakers to campus that will intellectually challenge the student body, as well as spark meaningful dialogue surrounding relevant issues.
Past speakers hosted by the board include Laverne Cox, George Takei, Edward Snowden (via videoconference), Rudy Giuliani, Madeleine Albright and many more.
People planning to attend the Brown event should be aware that the campus Diversity & Inclusion Summit will be wrapping up on Nov. 8. All of the summit events are free and open to the public.