Business Office
Department of Psychology and Neuroscience
University of Colorado Boulder
Muenzinger E213
8 a.m. – 4 p.m., M–F
By appointment outside these hours
Fax: 303-492-5655
Information, Documents and Links
Financial Resources
Travel Resources
Grant Resources
Pre-award team:
- Proposal Analyst (proposal preparation and submission):
Melissa Dunivant,, 303-735-6692
Post-award team:
- Grant Officer (award review & acceptance, award management):
Irina Rastello,, 303-735-6752 - Contract Officer (award review & acceptance, award management):
Jennifer Stroh,, 303-492-9412 - Subcontract Officer (award review & acceptance, award management):
Amanda Bender,, 303-735-4131 - Additional contact information (scroll down to Psychology & Neuroscience)
My.Leave Instructional Guides
Payroll & Personnel Resources
Hiring Research Faculty
Professional Research Assistant and Research Associate:
When planning to hire a new research faculty employee, there is a lengthy process to do so. Please plan on a minimum of 1-2 two months to complete this hire. All jobs must be approved by RIO (Research & Innovation Office) and posted on CU Careers to start a search (open or targeted). Therefore, please reach out to your business office professional and they can help you through the hiring process.
The three documents your Business Office contact will need to start the process are:
- PAR form Research Faculty
- Search Waiver (only needed for a targeted search)
- Research Faculty Checklist
Information for advertising job outside CU Boulder:
- You will need the job posting number. This will be provided to you by your business office contact person once the position/job has been approved by Research & Innovation Office. You will want to include the job posting number with a statement that all applicants must apply on CU Careers.
- Use the University's official name: “University of Colorado Boulder” (no “at,” no comma, no hyphen)
- Use “Department of Psychology & Neuroscience”
- Use campus box “345 UCB”
In addition, the data page from the Research & Innovation Office is needed to determine earliest start date; please contact your Business Office professional for assistance.
Offering a position to a volunteer requires filling out the HRSC POI form through DocuSign. The Business Office can initiate this procedure for you; please email your Business Office contact with:
- Name of the POI
- POI email address
- Their sponsor/supervisor
- The expected end date of their position
- Whether or not a Background Check is needed (usually not)
- What level of access is required
Note: The POI form is no longer being used for data security reasons, please delete any copies you may have saved.
John Carroll
Director of Finance and Infrastructure
Muenzinger E213E
Phone: 303-492-8839
Nancy Coleman
Finance and HR Professional
Muenzinger E213D
Phone: 303-492-8080
Martin R. Eyestone
Finance and HR Professional
Muenzinger E213A
Phone: 303-
Ruth Seaholm
Finance and HR Professional (part-time)
Muenzinger E213C
Phone: 303-735-0163
Juan Tirado
Finance and HR Professional
Muenzinger E213F
Phone: 303-492-8077