College of Music Advisory Board

Music Advisory Board

Welcome to the College of Music Advisory Board at the University of Colorado Boulder!

Our mission is to advocate for and support the College of Music (COM) and its students, faculty, alumni, programs and staff. We commit to:

  1. Provide perspective to the dean and advocate for the COM to the university leadership team.
  2. Provide material support for the COM through gifts of time, talent and treasure.
  3. Advocate for the COM and its faculty, students, staff and alumni, and its performances and other programming, toward the goal of expanding the COM's reputation locally, regionally, nationally and internationally.

What we do

  • Support the overall mission of the COM—serving its students, faculty, staff, alumni and programs.
  • Keep informed about COM programs and offerings by attending master classes, lectures, concerts, recitals and department meetings.
  • Attend events and meet with alumni, donors and friends of the college. 
  • Host receptions to introduce members of the community to the college’s Faculty Tuesdays series, student recitals, opera performances, orchestra concerts and master classes.
  • Recognize and engage former board members and supporters of the college—capitalizing on their experience and dedication—to encourage their further engagement.
  • Participate in college planning activities and task force initiatives.

College of Music Advisory Board

John Davis

Lynn Streeter

Sue Baer
Dave Bowers
Bob Bunting
Jan Burton
Bob Charles
Marty Coffin Evans
Paul Eklund
Jonathan Fox
Dave Fulker
Grace Gamm
Laurie Hathorn
Doree Hickman
Maria Johnson
Caryl Kassoy
Barbara Miller
Ben Nelson
Susan Olenwine
Rudy Perez
Mikhy Ritter
Becky Roser
Firuzeh Saidi
gReg Silvus
Jeannie Thompson
Jack Walker
Celia Waterhouse
Dean’s Cabinet
Associate Dean for Graduate Studies Margaret Berg
Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies + Enrollment Management Matthew Roeder
Assistant Dean for Strategic Initiatives Kate Cimino
Assistant Dean for Budget + Finance Carrie Howard
Assistant Dean for Advancement Andrew Todd
Senior Director of Communications Sabine Kortals Stein
DEI Director Alexis McClain
Executive Assistant to the Dean Lauren Petersen

Interested in supporting the College of Music? Contact Assistant Dean for Advancement Andrew Todd at

To mail your gift, make your check payable to the CU Foundation and send it to:
University of Colorado Foundation
P.O. Box 17126
Denver, CO 80217-9155