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Peer-reviewed papers Barthell K and Resasco J. Bumble bee niche overlap along an elevation gradient: how traits can inform novel competitive pressures under climate change. Oikos . Accepted. Hulting KA, Brudvig LA, Damschen EI, Levey DJ, Resasco J, Tewksbury JJ, and Haddad NM. Habitat edges decrease plant reproductive output in fragmented landscapes . Journal of Ecology . In Press. Resasco J, Vázquez DP, McCain CM, and Olson SD (2024) Revisiting Clements and Gleason: Insights from plant distributions on Pikes Peak, Clements’s life-long study site . The American Naturalist . 204: 533-545. Anjos D, Luna P; Del-Claro K, Pol RG, Lopez de Casenave J, Torezan-Silingardi HM, Baena ML, Baudino F, Bronstein J, Burt M, Calixto E, Cao AL, Siqueira de Castro F, Cole BJ, Elizalde L, Escobar F, Machado Feitosa R, Hernández Flores J, Hahn P, Indalêncio ME, Juárez-Juárez B, Karnish A, Ladino N, Lescano MN, de Siqueira Neves F, Ortiz D, Pérez G, Pezzonia J, Pirk G, Porto G, Ramírez C, Resasco J, Aranda-Rickert A, Robertson I, Verble R, Vullo L, Wiernasz D, Werenkraut V, Guevara R, and Dáttilo W. Distance from nest and climate explain geographical trends of harvester ant’s food resource use: a multi-species approach . Journal of Biogeography. In press. Saha S, McKenzie V, Emery N, Resasco J, SA Taylor, Krishnan S, and Corwin L (2024) Examining how student identities interact with an immersive field ecology course and its implications for graduate school education . CBE Life Sciences Education . 23: ar44. Kaiser A and Resasco J (2024) The impact of impervious surface and neighborhood wealth on arthropod biodiversity and ecosystem services in community gardens . Urban Ecosystems . 27: 1863–1875. pdf CU Boulder Today Paraskevopoulos AW, Sanders NJ, and Resasco J (2024) Temperature-driven homogenization of an ant community over 60 years in a montane ecosystem . Ecology 105: e4302. pdf CU Boulder Today 9News CPR Colorado Matters Myrmecological News Blog Peralta G, CaraDonna PJ, Rakosy D, Fründ J, Pascual Tudanca MP, Dormann CF, Burkle LA, Kaiser-Bunbury NC, Knight TM, Resasco J, Winfree R, Blüthgen N, Castillo WJ, and Vázquez DP (2024) Predicting plant-pollinator interactions: concepts, methods, and challenges . Trends in Ecology and Evolution . 39(5): 494–505. pdf Peralta G, Resasco J, Worthy S, Frost CM, Guevara AT, Manning I, Cagnolo L, and Burkle LA (2024) Pollinator intraspecific body size variation and sociality influence their interactions with plants . Functional Ecology 38(4): 875–882. pdf Mullins JL, Paraskevopoulos AW, Pittman C, Burrows SJ, Carper AL, and Resasco J (2024) New records of gynandromorphism in Heriades and Dianthidium and images of the first reported Dianthidium gynandromorph (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae) . Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 96(2): 30–38. pdf Brogan MS, Peckarski BL, and Resasco J (2024) Consequences of nuisance algal blooms of Didymosphenia geminata on invertebrate communities in Rocky Mountain streams . Freshwater Science 43(1): 52-64. pdf Gaier AG, Manzitto-Tripp EA, and Resasco J (2023) Floral visitors of a Colorado endemic chasmophyte, Telesonix jamesii (Saxifragaceae) . Western North American Naturalist 83(1): 104–113. pdf . Gaier AG and Resasco J (2023). Does adding community-science observations to museum records improve distribution modeling of a rare endemic plant? Ecosphere 14(3): e4419. pdf Resasco J, Burt MA, Orrock JL, Haddad NM, Shoemaker D, and Levey DJ (2023). Transient effects of corridors on polygyne fire ants over a decade . Ecological Entomology 48(2): 263– 268. pdf A&S Magazine Burt M, Resasco J, Haddad NM, and Whitehead SR (2022). Ants disperse seeds farther in habitat patches with corridors . Ecosphere e4324. pdf Conservation Corridor Bitters ME, Holtz S, Acruri P, Wilson R, Hicks AL, Resasco J, and Davies KF (2022) The dynamic matrix predicts population response to long-term experimental forest fragmentation . Landscape Ecology 37: 1483 - 1495. pdf Conservation Corridor Bitters ME, Meyers J, Resasco J, Sarre SS, Tuff KT, and Davies KF (2022) Experimental habitat fragmentation disrupts host-parasite interaction over decades via life-cycle bottlenecks . Ecology 103: e3758. pdf Resasco J, Chacoff NP, and Vázquez DP (2021) Plant-pollinator interactions between generalists persist over time and space . Ecology 102: e03359. pdf CU Boulder Today Boise Public Radio Denver Post Daily Camera Video of ESA Talk Top Downloaded Article The Conversation Roeder KA, Penuela Useche V, Levey DJ, and Resasco J (2021) Testing effects of invasive fire ants and disturbance on ant communities of the longleaf pine ecosystem . Ecological Entomology 46: 964–972 pdf Resasco J and Fletcher RJ Jr (2021) Accounting for connectivity alters the apparent roles of spatial and environmental processes on metacommunity assembly . Landscape Ecology 36: 1089–1099. pdf Conservation Corridor Video of ESA Talk 2021 Best Article in Landscape Ecology Award CaraDonna PJ, Burkle LA, Schwarz B, Resasco J, Knight T, Benadi G, Blüthgen N, Dormann CF, Fang Q, Fründ J, Gauzens B, Kaiser-Bunbury C, Winfree R, and Vázquez DP (2021) Seeing through the static: the temporal dimension of plant–animal mutualistic interactions . Ecology Letters 24: 149-161. pdf Top Cited Article Prinster AJ, Resasco J, and Nufio CR (2020) Weather variation affects the dispersal of grasshoppers beyond their elevational ranges . Ecology and Evolution 10: 14411–14422. pdf Schwarz B, Vázquez DP, CaraDonna PJ, Knight TM, Benadi G, Dormann CF, Gauzens B, Motivans E, Resasco J, Blüthgen N, Burkle LA, Fang Q, Kaiser-Bunbury CN, Alarcón R, Bain JA, Chacoff NP, Huang S-Q, LeBuhn G, MacLeod M, Petanidou T, Rasmussen C, Simanonok MP, Thompson AH, and Fründ J (2020) Temporal scale-dependence of plant-pollinator networks . Oikos 129: 1271–1439. pdf Editor's Choice Damschen EI, Brudvig LA, Burt MA, Fletcher RJ Jr., Haddad NM, Levey DJ, Orrock JL, Resasco J, and Tewksbury JJ (2019) Ongoing accumulation of plant diversity through habitat connectivity in an 18-year experiment . Science 365: 1478–1480. pdf Washinton Post LA Times Smithsonian AAAS UW-Madison News Conservation Corridor Wildlife Society Resasco J (2019) Meta-analysis on a decade of testing corridor efficacy: what new have we learned? Current Landscape Ecology Reports 4(3): 61–69. pdf Conservation Corridor Resasco J, Bitters ME, Cunningham SA, Jones HI, McKenzie VJ, and Davies KF (2019) Experimental habitat fragmentation disrupts nematode infections in Australian skinks . Ecology 100(1): e02547. pdf CU Boulder Today Fred's Ecology and Environmental Tales blog Ecology for the Masses blog Resasco J, Tuff KT, Cunningham SA, Melbourne BA, Hicks AL, Newsome SD, and Davies KF (2018) Generalist predator’s niche shifts reveal ecosystem changes in an experimentally fragmented landscape . Ecography 41(7): 1209–1219. pdf Chacoff NP, Resasco J, and Vázquez DP (2018) Interaction frequency, network position, and the temporal persistence of interactions in a plant-pollinator network . Ecology 99(1): 21–28. pdf Resasco J, Bruna EM, Haddad NM, Banks-Leite C, and Margules CR (2017) The contribution of theory and experiments to conservation in fragmented landscapes . Ecography 40(1): 109–118. pdf Conservation Corridor Brudvig, LA, Leroux SJ, Albert CH, Bruna EM, Davies KF, Ewers RM, Levey DJ, Pardini R, and Resasco J (2017) Evaluating conceptual models of landscape change . Ecography 40(1): 74–84. pdf Conservation Corridor Gibb H, Dunn RR, Sanders NJ, Grossman BF, Photakis M, Abril S, Agosti D, Andersen AN, Angulo E, Armbrecht I, Arnan X, Baccaro FB, Bishop TR, Boulay R, Brühl C, Castracani C, Cerdá X, Del Toro I, Delsinne T, Diaz M, Donoso DA, Ellison AM, Enriquez ML, Fayle TM, Feener DH, Fisher BL, Fisher R, Fitzpatrick MC, Gómez C, Gotelli NJ, Gove A, Grasso DA, Groc S, Guenard B, Gunawardene N, Heterick B, Hoffmann B, Janda M, Jenkins C, Kaspari M, Klimes P, Lach L, Laeger T, Lattke J, Leponce M, Lessard J, Longino J, Lucky A, Luke SH, Majer J, McGlynn TP, Menke S, Mezger D, Mori A, Moses J, Munyai TC, Pacheco R, Paknia O, Pearce-Duvet J, Pfeiffer M, Philpott SM, Resasco J, Retana J, Silva RR, Sorger MD, Souza J, Suarez A, Tista M, Vasconcelos HL, Vonshak M, Weiser MD, Yates M, and Parr CL (2017) A global database of ant species abundances . (data paper) Ecology 98(3): 883–884. Chandler JL, Orrock JL, and Resasco J (2016) Invasive ants generate heterogeneity in patterns of seed survival . American Midland Naturalist 176(2):289–297. pdf Jones HI and Resasco J (2016) A new species of Hedruris (Nematoda: Hedruridae), from the Australian skink Lampropholis guichenoti (Reptilia: Scincidae) . Comparative Parasitology 83:173–177. pdf Haddad NM, Brudvig LA, Damschen, Evans DM, Johnson BL, Levey DJ, Orrock JL, Resasco J, Sullivan LL, Tewksbury JJ, Wagner SA, and Weldon AJ (2014) Potential negative ecological effects of corridors . Conservation Biology 28:1178–1187. pdf Conservation Corridor Resasco J, Haddad NM, Shoemaker DD, Orrock JL, Brudvig LA, EI Damschen, Tewksbury JJ, and Levey DJ (2014) Landscape corridors can increase invasion by an exotic species and reduce diversity of native species . Ecology 95: 2033–2039. pdf Conservation Magazine Conservation Corridor NSF News Resasco J, Pelini SL, Stuble KL, Sanders NJ, Dunn RR, Diamond SE, Ellison AM, Gotelli NJ, and Levey DJ (2014) Using historical and experimental data to reveal warming temperature effects on ant assemblages . PLoS ONE 9(2): e88029. pdf Resasco J, Porter SD, Sanders NJ, and Levey DJ (2014) Assessing the effects of sodium on fire ant foraging in the field and colony growth in the laboratory . Ecological Entomology 39: 267–271. pdf Resasco J (2013) Field-based and hands-on ecology labs increase undergraduate interest in the natural world . Journal of Natural History Education and Experience 7: 22–25. pdf Resasco J, Levey DJ, and Damschen EI (2012) Habitat corridors alter trophic position of fire ants. Ecosphere 3: art. 11. pdf Callis KL, Christ LR, Resasco J, Armitage DW, Ash JD, Caughlin TT, Clemmensen SF, Copeland SM, Fullman TJ, Lynch RL, Olson C, Pruner RA, Vieira-Neto EHM, West-Singh R, and Bruna EM (2009) Improving Wikipedia: educational opportunity and professional responsibility . Trends in Ecology and Evolution 24: 177–179. pdf Resasco J, Hale AM, Henry MC, and Gorchov DL (2007) Detecting an invasive shrub in forest understory using remote sensing . International Journal of Remote Sensing 28: 3739–3745. pdf