Emergency phone numbers

Note: this page contains information for contact numbers for UAS flyaway events under the Blanket COA. This information is not applicable to other flight rules.

For general flyaways, call Denver Approach: 303-342-1916

For flyaways in the vicinity of KBJC, call Metro Tower: 303-466-3546. Note: if KBJC tower is closed, call Denver Approach.

For flyaways in the vicinty of KLMO the airport manager's phone number is: 303-792-5203. After calling the airport manager call Denver Approach.

For flyaways in the vicintiy of KBDU the airport manager's phone number is: 303-441-3108. After calling the airport manager call Denver Approach.

For operations in the vicinity of other, smaller, untowered airports contact an instructor to obtain an airport managers phone number (if a basic google search is unsucceful).    

The full list of air traffic control phone numbers is can be found here. In general, call the nearest approach controller. If flying near a towered airport, call the control tower.