Transformation of Undergraduate Computing

With colleagues at the ATLAS Assessment and Research Center at UCB, E&ER has conducted evaluation-with-research studies for CAHSI, an alliance of seven Hispanic-Serving Institutions. CAHSI seeks to recruit, retain, and advance Hispanic students into computing careers with support at specific stages in higher education. The interventions targeting undergraduate courses are:

  • CS-0: A three-unit course in introduction to computer programming and concepts designed to better prepare students for success in computer science
  • Peer-Led Team Learning (PLTL): Peer leaders provide academic and social support to students in computer science courses that serve as gatekeepers to further study.

Other interventions focus on undergraduate research experiences and professional development for graduate students and early-career faculty.

  • Gates, A. Q., Hug, S. & Thiry, H. (2013). Expanding the pipeline: Hispanic momentum in ComputingComputing Research News 25(4), The Computing Research Association.
  • Villa, E. Q., Kephart, K., Gates, A. Q., Thiry, H., & Hug, S. (2013). Affinity research groups in practice:  Apprenticing students in research. Journal of Engineering Education 102(3), 444-466.
  • Thiry, H., Hug, S. & Weston, T. J. (2011). The Computing Alliance of Hispanic-Serving Institutions: Enhancing the success of Hispanic undergraduates in computing disciplines. Journal of Enrollment Management, 5(1), 32-56

Evaluation results demonstrate that CAHSI institutions have increased their course completion rates in gatekeeper courses and enhanced Hispanic undergraduate students’ confidence and aspirations in computing.

This work was supported by the National Science Foundation under award CNS-0540592 to the University of Texas at El Paso. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in these reports are those of the researchers, and do not necessarily represent the official views, opinions, or policy of the National Science Foundation.