E&ER in the News
E&ER often conducts studies of interest to a variety of audiences, including educators, program developers, researchers, and the general public. Work by our team has received attention in local, national and international forums.
- CBC Radio (2019, September 20). Glass obstacle course: Why so few women hold top STEM spots. Quirks and Quarks host Bob McDonald and interviewee Lisa Willis drew on a metaphor developed in research by Kris De Welde and Sandra Laursen, the "glass obstacle course," to describe invisible, repetitive, formal and informal career obstacles encountered by women scientists, in this 22-minute radio segment.
- Bressoud, D. (2019, April 1). Recent research into IBL in mathematics. MAA Values blog, Mathematical Association of America.
- Diep, F. (2018, September 19). One of the world's biggest scientific societies just made it possible to strip an honor from alleged harassers. Pacific Standard.
- National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (2017). Effective Mentoring in STEMM: Practice, Research, and Future Directions: Proceedings of a Workshop–in Brief. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.
- Our research on student outcomes of inquiry-based learning was featured in the Mathematical Association of America's celebration of Active Learning Day in October 2016. We helped celebrate too, sharing thoughts on student metacognition and faculty learning.
- Widener, A. (2015, November 16). Exploring enrollment; Number of students entering chemistry graduate programs remained flat between 2004 and 2014, study shows. Chemical & Engineering News 93(45), 28-29.
- Bressoud, D. (2015, October 1). Evidence for IBL. Launchings, Mathematical Association of America.
- CU News Center (2015, July 1). First CU Engage research project examines campus experience for students of color.
- Bremser, P. (2015, April 20). Taming the coverage beast. On Teaching and Learning Mathematics, American Mathematical Society.
- Ernst, D. C. (2015, January 8). The twin pillars of IBL. Math Ed Matters, Mathematical Association of America.
- Career Playbook: Ask the Expert (2014, Fall). Variation in PhD productivity and diversity at top US chemistry departments: Looking closely at the data. AWIS Magazine 45(3), 22.
- Benderly, B. L. (2014, June 17). What works to increase diversity. Science Careers Magazine, MySciNet blog.
- Matthews, K. (2013, December 29). Who learns in math classes depends on how maths is taught. The Conversation: Education.
- Boggs, B. (2013). The science of citizenship: What's at stake when schools skimp on science? Orion Magazine, November/December.
- Boggs, B. (2013, November 24). "Tell your second-grade teacher I'm sorry": The failure of science education in the United States. Slate Magazine: Politics, Business, Technology and the Arts.
- Bressoud, D. (2013, October 1). Evidence of improved teaching. Launchings, Mathematical Association of America.
- Bressoud, D. (2011, August 1). The best way to learn. Launchings, Mathematical Association of America.
- Curtis, J. W. (2011). Faculty salary equity: Still a gender gap? On Campus with Women, 39(1).
- McCrea, B. (2010). Engaging girls in STEM. THE Journal, 09/08/10.
- Glenn, D. (2010, April 25). Rating your professors: Scholars test improved course evaluations. The Chronicle of Higher Education.
- Manzo, K.K. (2009, February 4). Professionals enrich classroom lessons with expertise: Schools draw historians, scientists, mathematicians, artists. Education Week, 28(20).
- Snyder, K. (2006, March). Breaking for families: Women physicists find taking a leave is often hazardous to their career. Symmetry, Dimensions of Particle Physics,3(2),16-21.
- Human, K. (2005, June 4). Lack of female profs a stubborn statistic. The Denver Post.
- Henry, C.M. (2005, April 25). Undergraduate research makes a difference: Studies look at the impact of undergraduate research on retention and student outcomes. Chemical and Engineering News, 83(17), 37-38.