The CU Museum of Natural History is now open for After Hours on Thursdays, from 5:30-8:30 PM!

Construction, accessibility, and parking information

Policies & Procedures

Research Closure Notice

At this time, the Anthropology section of the museum is closed for new research requests and visits due to a staffing shortage. Please check back with us in January 2023, when we will be reevaluating our capacity. Note: this closure does not apply to inquiries from Tribal members or researchers with existing arrangements. Click here to explore our online collections.

The Anthropology Section encourages the use of collections for research, exhibition, and educational programming through loans and on-site visits. Collection materials are available for study based upon reasonable requests. However, the Section must balance access to the collections and associated records with long-term preservation and staff availability.

Access to Collections

Requests for access to the collections should be sent via email to the Anthropology Collection Manager or Curator of Anthropology. Written requests should include the Use of Collections Request form and a brief summary of the requestor's research interest or proposed use of collection items. For destructive analysis, researchers must first submit an Application for Destructive Sampling. Destructive sampling requests require approval of the Curator of Anthropology and Curators of Archaeology.

Image Rights & Reproductions

The anthropology section offers high-resolution images for scholarly research, personal, and commercial uses. Available collections images can be browsed through our online database. To submit a request for image reproduction or to order new photography please complete the Image Reproduction and Use Form and submit it to the Anthropology Collections Manager at Images will be supplied free of charge for personal use (research or other non-published use) or for scholarly publication, defined as those academic publications directed toward an educational or professional audience (limited to 5,000 copies or 3 years web use). Fees may still apply for new photography or scanning. Commercial uses may include both for-profit and non-profit publications and are subject to additional fees. Please allow at least two weeks for orders of existing images and up to eight weeks for new photography.

For research requests and image rights and reproduction please contact


Loans serve to broaden public access to and encourage research on collections. Loaned property refers to any property borrowed by or loaned from the Anthropology Section collections that is not accompanied by a transfer of title or temporary custody receipt. The Anthropology Section maintains an active loan program that consists of in-coming and out-going loans, both on and off campus. Due to liability issues, the Anthropology Section makes loans to institutions only, not to individuals. Archival materials do not circulate and must be used on the premises.

Loans are made for a specified period of time, usually one year or less, and the Section does not make permanent or indefinite loans. All loans, in-coming and out-going, must be authorized by the Curator of Anthropology. Formal loan requests must be made in writing (letter, email or fax) that includes a brief description of intended use. For out-going exhibition loans, the borrowing institution's standard facility report is required prior to approval.