CU Museum will remain closed from Monday, December 23 through through Monday, January 13 for CU’s official winter holidays and planned construction activities nearby. 
The Museum will resume normal operating hours (10 AM-4 PM) on Tuesday, January 14, 2025. Thank you!

Construction updates, accessibility, and parking information 

Databases & Research Tools

Anthropology and Archaeology Collections Database
Search the Anthropology and Archaeology collections and archives database online. Please note: The catalog information displayed here was created over the course of the past 100 years. The data is drawn from many sources and terminology used in the database reflects the time when the materials were cataloged and may be out of date by contemporary standards. The photos you are accessing may require image reproduction and use permissions. For all inquiries and requests, forms and contact information can be found on the Anthropology Policies & Procedures page.

Joe Ben Wheat Southwest Textile Database
This Arizona State Museum database contains analytical data and images compiled by Joe Ben Wheat for about twelve hundred textiles from over fifty museums and public collections, including the CU Museum of Natural History's Navajo textile collection.