At its regular meeting, the Board of Regents heard updates on a recently conducted economic impact study of CU, heard a report on preliminary enrollment data and voted to approve the re-launch of the Master of Laws degree program on the Boulder campus.
Like some of you today, I listened to U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos' speech on the future of enforcement of Title IX sexual misconduct laws. While OIEC will assess impacts from any new federal proposals, we will continue to diligently follow federal law and strive to maintain the best practices and policies possible.
Get an inside-the-campus view of how CU Boulder is financed and the challenges and opportunities we face as an institution. Three sessions in October are open to students, faculty and staff.
Black bears are common in Colorado, including in the Boulder foothills and, on rare occasions, campus. With winter approaching, they are out filling up on calories before hitting their dens for hibernation.
The Board of Regents today approved plans for a 19th Street bridge and ADA-compliant pedestrian path that will improve connectivity to Main Campus across Boulder Creek.
Join the University Men's Chorus, no audition required
The Men's Chorus performs diverse and exciting music in formal concert as well as at athletics and other campus events throughout the semester. Please email or stop by Macky Auditorium, room 102, with any questions.
Academic Futures town hall meetings next week
Join in community discussions about the campus initiative titled Academic Futures: Rethinking the university—the futures of learning and discovery. The town halls will be held on campus Sept. 11, 12 and 14.