A wild heart: Workshops explore the path to healing
“A wild heart is awake to the pain in the world, but does not diminish its own pain.” –Brené Brown.
In the month of March—as part of the Center for Inclusion and Social Change's campuswide initiative The Power of Community: Courage, Healing and Unity—students, faculty and staff are invited to participate in events exploring healing.
A workshop called A Wild Heart: The Path to Healing will be offered to employees on March 1 and 16 and to students on March 16. Participants will engage in an interactive, thought-provoking discussion and reflective, critical-thinking exercises that explore empathy, respect and healing. Participants will ask themselves: What does respect look like in my community? Am I enough? Am I loved? Am I worthy? What does healing look like within my community and for myself?
Visit the initiative webpage to register for a session, find more events or listen to March's healing playlist on Spotify.