Published: Feb. 9, 2021

Campus diversity professionals are invited to join the Association of American Universities (AAU) webinar What Racial Equity Requires, led by Shaun R. Harper on Friday, Feb. 19.

This session will focus on ways racial issues are commonly mishandled at research universities across the United States. Harper will draw heavily from data conducted at the interdisciplinary research center he founded at the University of Pennsylvania a decade ago and now directs at USC. He will offer practical guidance to campus leaders who are committed to effectively solving complex racial problems; meeting the needs of students and employees of color; holding themselves and other members of their campus communities accountable for actualizing diversity and inclusion goals; and achieving and sustaining racial equity at AAU member institutions.

Join the Zoom webinar from 11 a.m. to noon MST. Registration required.

This event is being hosted as part of the Center for Inclusion and Social Change's campuswide initiative The Power of Community: Courage, Healing and Unity. Visit the webpage to find more events or listen to February's courage playlist on Spotify. 

If you go

Who: Campus diversity professionals
What: AAU webinar What Racial Equity Requires
When: Friday, Feb. 19, 11 a.m. to noon MST
Where: Zoom

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