If you are graduating soon and looking to start your career, or searching for an internship or other job, Career Services can help.
Tips for landing your dream job or internship:
Build a solid resume.
Your resume is the first thing a recruiter will use to consider whether to bring you in for an interview or not. This document is critical and could be your only chance to convince the recruiter you are worthy of the position you applied for. They may spend a few minutes, or even just seconds, skimming through the document. Building a resume that is a compelling depiction of your significant skills and experiences can help grab their attention. Bring in your resume to any career advisor and they will help tailor it for your job search.
Write a compelling cover letter.
Cover letters are your opportunity to expand on the information in your resume. It should detail exactly how and why you would add value to their organization and illustrate your communication and persuasion skills all at once. Our career advisors can help structure your cover letter to connect what you bring and what the employer wants.
Prepare for the interview.
Tell me about yourself. Give me an example of when you used your strengths effectively. Can you tell me a about a challenge or conflict you faced and how you dealt with it? Interviews are a time for you to tell your story. They allow the employer to determine how your past experience will predict your future performance. Preparing your answers for common interview questions can help ease your nerves during the interview process. Don’t just wing it! Make an appointment with a career advisor and they can walk you through a mock interview.
Dress properly for the job you want.
The first impression you make on a potential employer is incredibly important. Believe it or not, employers will form an assessment based on what you’re wearing and how you carry yourself. No matter what job you are interviewing for, it’s important to dress professionally for your job interview. Generally a suit and tie for gentlemen and a skirt, blazer and button up for ladies does just the trick.
Maximize career fair experience.
Attending a career fair can be overwhelming, but it could open the door to opportunities and connect you with employers. Career Services is offering three opportunities for you to meet with employers in the next few weeks. Check out their upcoming events on Career Buffs for all the details.
Utilize job boards.
Did you know that CU-Boulder has its own job board? More than 17,000 employers posted nearly 10,000 jobs on Career Buffs this school year. Update your profile and apply to hundreds of job in the matter of minutes.