Request Space Report

General Notes

Space reports are valuable resources which can be utilized for a variety of different purposes on campus and beyond.  From showing all of the rooms occupied by a specific college to showing a breakdown of all research labs on campus, there are many possibilities for report generation. 

When to use this process

  • This webform is used for requesting specific space reports.
  • On the webform:
    • Enter your contact information
    • Provide details/instructions for the requested report
    • Include an example attachment if you have one

Available Space Reports and Examples

  • Space reports that are already available can be found on our Reports page
  • Some of the key space data that we are able to report on:
    • Square footage (by building, by room type, by department allocation, etc.)
    • Room Categories and types (by building, by department allocation, etc.)
    • Department (allocated rooms, room types, etc.)
    • Buildings (room listing, department allocation, etc.)
  • Some popular report views we can provide:
    • Department Space Allocation (breakdown of what space is allocated to a specific department or group of departments)
    • Building Room Inventory (breakdown of the rooms in a building with department allocations, room types, etc.)
  • Examples of charts and graphics that we can generate can be found on our Space Report Examples page.


Process Model

  • This process model outlines the steps and decision points involved with requesting a space report.  View a PDF version of this process model here. 
  • On this process model, 'OSO' refers to the Office of Space Optimization, and 'Client' refers to you or the person requesting the space report.

Request Space Report Process Model