Martina Miranda received graduate degrees from San Francisco State University (MA) and Arizona State University (DMA). She joined the College of Music faculty with over 16 years of teaching experience in elementary general music and chorus in California and Arizona. Prior university service includes positions at the Crane School of Music at SUNY Potsdam, and Auburn University. Her areas of specialization include elementary general music pedagogy, early childhood music, Orff-Schülwerk methodology, and children’s folk song literature. In addition to research presentations at the state, regional, national, and international levels, Miranda has published articles in theJournal of Research in Music Education, Research Studies in Music Education, Narrative Soundings: An Anthology of Narrative Inquiry in Music Education, General Music Today, the Mountain Lake Reader, Research Perspectives: Thought and Practice in Music Education, the Journal of Technology in Music Education, and Early Childhood Connections. She is an active clinician, and also serves as a board member for the Society for General Music, and active member of the Early Childhood Special Research Interest Group, both affiliates of the Music Educators National Conference. Miranda holds Orff and Kodály certifications, and has professional affiliations with the Music Education Special Interest Group of the American Educational Research Association, the American Orff-Schulwerk Association, and the Organization of American Kodàly Educators.