
The Mashak lab has capabilities to synthesize, purify, and analyze organic molecules and inorganic coordination complexes. We can perform air and/or moisture-free synthesis using one of our gloveboxes or schlenk manifolds. In addition, we have the capability to make coin cell batteries and perform high-throughput electrosynthesis using our flow batteries, which can be operated in aqueous or non-aqueous solvents, inside or outside of a glovebox. We have several flow cells with active areas ranging from 5 to 25 cm2 and variable flow rate pumps that can handle electrolytes ranging from corrosive conc. HBr/Br2 to organic and metal-chelate electrolytes. We have several electroanalytical instruments to control and cycle our batteries in addition to performing electrochemical analyses like CV, DPV, and EIS.



  • Gamry Interface 1000E – Potentiostat/Galvanostat, Max Current ±1 A, EIS to 1 MHz
  • Gamry Interface 1000E – Potentiostat/Galvanostat, Max Current ±1 A, EIS to 1 MHz
  • Gamry Interface 5000E – Potentiostat/Galvanostat, Max Current ±5 A, EIS to 1 MHz
  • Arbin 8-Channel Flow Battery Analyzer – Max Current ±60 A/channel, 8 Aux V, 8 temp, 16 Analog I/O, 16 Digital I/O

Shared Facilities