Engineering Excellence Fund
Graduate Design Innovative Fabrication Equipment, Spring/Fall 2017
Mechanical Engineering Computer Upgrades at the Idea Forge, Spring/Fall 2016
Graduate Design Program Computers and Microscope, Spring/Fall 2015
Large Scale 2D and 3D Routing Mill, Spring/Fall 2015
Vertical Milling Machine and Precision Lathe, Spring/Fall 2014
Graduate Design Program MakerBot and Computing, Spring/Fall 2013
Graduate Design Program Fabrication Equipment, Spring/Fall 2012
Graduate Design Track Equipment, Spring/Fall 2011
UV Spot Curing System for Undergraduate Projects, Spring/Fall 2009
The mission of the Engineering Excellence Fund (EEF) committee is to effectively allocate student resources in the College of Engineering empowering individuals to create the best possible environment for engineering education. We promote educational excellence, provide seed monies to effect change, support interdepartmental collaboration, and encourage integrated efforts that will have a long-term impact.