girls at bull ring in spain

International Affairs encourages our students to enrich their academic program through experiential learning. The Off-Campus Experience (OCE) major requirement is intended to foster community engagement, practical applications of academic coursework, and professional development through internship, study abroad, or other experiential learning opportunities. Additionally, students enrolled in the IAFS Honors Program may elect to conduct human subject research or access a specialized research database as part of their thesis research. International Affairs majors receive SEED awards typically between $150-$300, based on merit or need, in order to support the Off-Campus Experience or Honors Program thesis research. SEED scholarship funds offset the expenses directly tied to a student’s educational cost of attendance (COA) at CU Boulder. Additional awards may be available for students participating in IAFS Global Seminars or other pre-approved Off-Campus Experiences (OCE).

The following IAFS majors are eligible for a SEED award:

Eligible students will be contacted with application information. In general, applications open in November (Fall), March (Spring) and July (Summer).

Sample Application Questions

  • How does your thesis topic OR internship placement relate to your academic, personal, or future career interests?
  • Please attach a brief proposal (one page maximum) which includes a budget with specific dollar amounts providing evidence of funding needs related to your thesis research (ex: database access fees, etc.) OR internship placement (ex: transportation cost to/from).
    • A sample budget can be downloaded as an excel document by clicking here

For more information, contact