Organization development specialists can assist you with challenges in the areas of:
Retreat Design and Facilitation
Struggling with what to do at your next staff retreat? Work with our specialists to design and implement a retreat with purpose. We will assist you with defining your goals and desired outcomes, and designing an agenda and related activities to achieve those outcomes.
Team Development and Effectiveness
Teams move through predictable stages of development. We can assist with diagnosing the developmental stage of your team and providing strategies for moving forward. Our specialists can also assist with moving your team through conflict, conducting team launches, and facilitating a range of work to move your team to high performance.
Conflict Resolution
We can assist in diagnosing conflict in your organization, recommending strategies for addressing and making progress in conflict, and facilitating to move your group through conflict.
Organization Diagnosis and Assessments
Utilizing a variety of models, we can assist you in examining several aspects of your organization.
360 Evaluations
360 evaluations are an effective means of providing valuable feedback and elevating performance. Contact Lauren Harris, Assistant Director of Training & Development: Lauren.M.Harris@Colorado.EDU
Strategy Development
Considering strategy to move your department forward? Talk with us about our strategy development process.