Lynda.Com provides an online library of nearly 5,000 instructional videos covering the latest software, creative and business skills. Taught by accomplished instructors and recognized industry experts, is an easy-to-use resource for CU faculty and staff looking to develop skills.

How to access

  1. Log on to your campus portal.
  2. Open the dropdown menu at the top of the screen and select Training.
  3. Select the tile. ( will open in a separate window.)


Use Skillsoft for required online training, instructor-led training courses or choose from more than 25,500 titles in Skillsoft Books. The best part: Courses and books are available on your computer so you can learn at your own pace when it’s convenient for you.

How to Access SkillSoft

  1. Log on to your campus portal (
  2. Select the Skillsoft tile on the home page
  3. Select Library from the top of the screen
  4. Select your campus folder
  5. Select a topic from Categories
  6. Select a course and click LAUNCH