Global Engagement Resources

Conflicts of Interest and Commitment (COIC)

CU Boulder encourages encourages innovation, scholarship and research that lead to commercial and consulting activities and global engagement. Such activities, however, have the potential to lead to conflicts of interest and commitment.

  • If you are involved in research activities on campus, our policies require you to report potential conflicts including, but not limited to consulting activitiesexternal entities and foreign affiliations
  • Submitting a disclosure, vetting potential conflicts, and managing through set procedures helps to protect you, your department and the University. 
  • Visit COIC's Education & Outreach page to watch video tutorials on the disclosure process, schedule an information session with COIC and learn more about best practices.
CU Boulder International Travelers

Planning an international trip for research purposes?

Export Controls Regulations

Working with foreign national collaborators, institutions or students may fall under the purview of various federal export control laws. In general, these regulations involve military technology (including nearly all space-based research), “dual-use” technologies (including a wide range of equipment from distillers to lasers), as well as nearly any kind of financial transaction with certain embargoed countries or individuals.

  • Want to learn more about how export control regulations affect you? Check out this PowerPoint presentation for a quick overview.
  • In many cases, basic and applied research may be included under one or more exemptions or exclusions. In some cases, it may be necessary to apply for an export license or Technical Assistance Agreement (TAA). 
  • Licenses and TAAs can take considerable time to develop, so PIs should contact the Office of Contracts and Grants as early as possible if you think these may be required.
  • Change last bullet under Export to:  Learn more about general areas of concern with Export Controls.
Research Implications of U.S.-China Relations

Learn more about the current state of U.S.-China relations—as well as potential implications for university-led research and innovation—from Robert Daly, Director of the Wilson Center's Kissinger Institute.
