Who Needs to Submit an FRPA?
All tenure-track faculty and faculty who specialize in teaching and clinical education are required to electronically submit their FRPA each year as part of the annual merit evaluation process. Some units may require research, part-time and other faculty to submit the FRPA as part of an internal process. If you do not meet the criteria above, please check with your department chairs and/or directors to confirm if you need to complete the FRPA. All faculty are encouraged to complete the supplemental profile and research expertise section of the FRPA to build their CU Experts faculty profile. 

What is on the FRPA?

The Faculty Report of Professional Activities or FRPA primarily collects information on one’s annual activities in the categories of Teaching, Scholarly Work, Creative Work and Service. Information on research and expertise, international activities and other profile information are collected here as a centralized effort to support campus and departmental needs including web presence for units, grant reporting, media requests, programmatic needs and more. Faculty are asked to upload a current curriculum vitae each year. Academic units rely heavily on the information provided through the FRPA process.


FRPA reports cover the calendar year, January 1 to December 31, and are usually due February 1 of the following year.

Faculty may change portions of their FRPA that appear in their CU Experts public profiles at any time, and may enter items for the current reporting cycle throughout the year.


There are three ways to access FRPA Online:

1. Log in to MyCUinfo using your campus IdentiKey credentials. From the “CU Resources” or "Reporting & Compliance" tab, click the tile for “Faculty Reporting & DEPA.” Click the “Login to FRPA” button. 


2. FRPA Online can also be accessed directly at


3. FRPA Online can also be accessed with your FRPA-specific login credentials at  

Staff needing to access an individual faculty member's report on their behalf, please use access method #3 listed above. You will need to first enter your own campus identikey credentials. On the subsequent page, enter the faculty member's FRPA-specific login credentials. If the faculty member does not know their FRPA-specific login credentials, please have them contact the Faculty Data & Impact Team at the Office of Faculty Affairs by emailing

Getting Started

Once in FRPA, see the left navigation menu under "Current FRPA" which represents sections of the report. Visit each section to complete your report. There may be sections where you have nothing to edit or enter. When you have finished and you have viewed the report for accuracy, you must indicate that you have 'completed' the report and release the report to unit or units conducting your merit evaluation. See Complete FRPA and Release Reports.

Publications and Creative Works are imported directly from the CU Boulder Elements (CUBE). All entries for these activities will start in CU Boulder Elements and then be imported directly to your FRPA. All you have to do is choose the appropriate FRPA activity code to properly classify your work on your FRPA.

For Administrators

Unit Administrators may access FRPAport, the FRPA reporting module, at

Help and Support

There are many avenues for assistance with understanding your FRPA and the larger publication data project, CU Boulder Elements (CUBE).  See the online help resources within FRPA Online such as ‘Help’, ‘FAQs’ and other information sources in the header bar at the top right of the application screen. In addition, Faculty Affairs has support staff you can speak with as questions arise, please get in touch via the Faculty Data & Impact Team at the Office of Faculty Affairs by emailing