Leadership Education for Advancement and Promotion


2025 LEAP Introductory Workshop

We have a limited number of open seats remaining for the May 13–14, 2025 LEAP Introductory Leadership Workshop. We encourage assistant professors, and especially those in their 3rd year, to apply by February 28, 2025 to participate. The application form is brief and faculty who complete the workshop receive a $1,000 stipend. 

The next application cycle will open in September 2025.  Questions? Email OFAFDS@Colorado.EDU


The Leadership Education for Advancement and Promotion (LEAP) program began at CU Boulder in 2001, funded by a $3.5 million Institutional Transformation Grant funded by the National Science Foundation and $900,000 in campus support. The following seven years were an effort to strike a balance between research, workshops, and events with the goal to recruit and retain CU Boulder faculty.

LEAP has become institutional mainstay for early career faculty at CU Boulder, and its programming is overseen and managed by the Office of Faculty Affairs. 

LEAP Introductory Leadership Workshop

This two-day, skills-based workshop for pre-tenured faculty (assistant professors) includes sessions on time management, career development, and cultivating leadership skills presented by tenured faculty, administrators, and professional staff. The workshop is intended to provide participants with a greater understanding of the structure and processes of the campus, and to connect participants with the broader campus community. Working together over the course of the two-day workshop, participants will have an opportunity to meet colleagues from across the campus and realize that they are not "alone" in navigating the tenure path.

LEAP offers the Introductory Leadership Workshop twice a year:

  • Early January, before the beginning of the spring semester
  • Mid-May, after the end of the academic year