The Office of Faculty Affairs coordinates a variety of activities associated with faculty life and academic programming on the Boulder campus. The office is a branch of the division of Academic Affairs and is administered by the vice provost and associate vice chancellor for faculty affairs.
Major office functions include:
- Faculty Personnel: Faculty recruitment, hiring, and appointments; reappointment, promotion, and tenure; post-tenure review; evaluation and compensation; leaves, sabbaticals, and retirement
- Faculty Development & Support: Mentoring; professional development workshops for early-career, mid-career, and teaching/clinical faculty; community building initiatives; leadership development; faculty relations
- Faculty Data & Impact: Processing and reporting faculty personnel actions requiring approval by the provost, chancellor, president, and the University of Colorado Board of Regents; providing assistance to faculty for the Faculty Report of Professional Activities (FRPA)
- Program Review: Supporting the academic program review processes administered by the Academic Review and Planning Advisory Committee (ARPAC)
The Office of Faculty Affairs spans the following domains: