Graduation with Honors in CMCI

Graduating with Honors at CMCI

View more information on the CMCI Graduation Recognition Ceremony.

* effective fall 2017

The College of Media, Communication and Information will confer the Latin honors designations of cum laude, magna cum laude and summa cum laude on students who have completed an honors project demonstrating independent learning and intellectual insight that makes a contribution to our understanding of media, communication or information.

A student must have an overall GPA of 3.5 or higher* to pursue graduation with Latin honors.  The honors project is completed over two semesters, typically during the senior year, under the direction of a faculty advisor.  Students are eligible to earn credit for the honors project through coursework either within their major or within CMCI.  

* A student whose overall GPA is below a 3.5 may petition to be allowed to pursue an honors; the petition should provide an explanation of the student’s academic endeavors and reveal the ability to work independently and at a level of skill appropriate for honors. The petition would go first to the chair or associate chair in the student’s major for a recommendation and then to the associate dean for undergraduate curriculum for a final determination.


The honors project is an original piece of scholarship or creative work that demonstrates a high level of intellectual and/or creative ability, as well as analytical skills worthy of the honors designation.  Completing an honors project allows the student to focus on a topic they choose, provides the opportunity to work closely with a faculty advisor and creates a culminating intellectual experience.

The level of Latin honors conferred (cum laude, magna cum laude or summa cum laude) will take into account the quality of the project, the student’s grade point average and an oral defense of the project that occurs after the project is completed.  To earn a Latin honors designation, the work must demonstrate intellectual or creative ability as well as analytical skills worthy of the recommended honors designation. 

Students interested in pursuing graduation with honors should contact the associate chair for undergraduate studies in their major for guidance about the honors process.

Please note:  Students who earn a 3.75 GPA or higher over at least 60 hours of coursework at CU Boulder are eligible for the designation of graduation with distinction.  This is a separate academic recognition that reflects achievement in coursework only.