Mandatory Fee Planning Calendar

FY 2023-24 Fee Proposal TimelineDeadline
Forms, timeline, and process publishedSept. 15
Call for fee proposalsOct. 3
Completed forms due to
All non-CUSG fee requestsOct. 28
Fee Advisory Board reviews non-CUSG fee requestsOct. 31-Nov. 25
BFP completes reviews and returns any fee request forms to units that need revisionsNov. 25
Fee requests needing revisions are returned to BFP. No additional revisions accepted after this date.Dec. 2
BFP meets with Provost and SVC/CFO to review final fee proposalsDec. 12
Determinations submitted to requestorsDec. 16
BFP submits fee templates to CU SystemJan. 6
Fee requests presented to Board of RegentsFeb. 9-10
Board of Regents vote on fee requests for FY 2023-24Apr. 27-28