Budget Development Cycle and Calendar

Fiscal year is July 1 - June 30

  1. Year-round


  2. July


    • Anaplan Budget Upload (previously known as C-Roll)
    • Temp-to-continuing allocations
    • Budget review templates sent to units (tentative)
    • Fringe benefit change allocation (benefits increments and decrements)

    Budget model allocations posts to schools and colleges on continuing ledger.

    BFP will process continuing General Fund budget upload based on approved Anaplan budget plans on July business. After the budget is loaded in July, units can process current ledger budget journals in PeopleSoft to make in-year changes to their budget. Classified staff merit increases are on the July 1 compensation cycle. HR load Classified Staff merit increases to HCM for July pay and BFP loads corresponding budget for July business.

  3. August


    • Temp budget roll-forward (T-ROLL)
  4. September


    • Budget review templates due from units (tentative)

    Professional masters program (PMP) true-up gross revenue estimates reviewed with budget officers for feedback.

  5. October


    • Academic faculty, research faculty, university staff rosters opened for review in Anaplan
    • Fee proposals due

    Current fiscal year true-up allocations shared. This allocation is based on fall census revenue projections and is not impacted by model drivers.

  6. November


    Current fiscal year true-up temp-budget allocations post in the general ledger.

    Next fiscal year budget model drivers shared, including student credit hour (SCH), head count (HC) and retention. Graduation is shared in February. 

    Meetings with deans and budget officers to discuss true-up allocations.

  7. December


    • Rate additive budget development (insurance process)
    • Provisional fringe benefit rates for coming year submitted to DHHS (by December 31)
    • Academic faculty, research faculty, and university staff are on the January 1 Compensation Cycle. Roster reviews due from units Dec 6. HR review due Dec 31.
  8. January


    Professional masters program (PMP) July gross revenue estimates reviewed with budget officers for feedback.

  9. February


    Preliminary budget model allocation for the coming fiscal year shared. Graduation drivers are shared.

  10. March


    New FY25-FY27 projections shared.

    March/April: Meetings with deans and budget officers to discuss following year allocations and projections.

  11. April


  12. May


    • CCO year-end website
    • Final new fiscal year budget model allocation shared (including new funding) to schools and colleges.
    • In Anaplan, campus units input July budget plans for the coming fiscal year by May 31
    • All budget input pages in Anaplan are locked for all campus users at close of business on May 31.

    Final FY25 budget model allocation shared (including new funding) to schools and colleges.

  13. June


    • Final new fiscal year budget model allocation shared (including new funding) to support units after Regent budget approval. 
      • The coming year’s budget review and approval process begins on June 1.
      • From June 1-14, unit-level approvers will review and approve.
      • This is followed by BFP review and approval from June 15-July 12.
      • Classified staff compensation in Anaplan reviewed by units with a June 21 deadline.
    • Board of Regents approves coming year budget
    • Continuing budget change final cutoff
    • Auxiliary budget submissions (optional) due June 30

    Final FY25 budget model allocation shared (including new funding) to support units after Regent budget approval.

Note: schedule subject to change. Please contact bfp@colorado.edu with questions.