How CU Boulder is Funded
CU Boulder depends on many sources to cover its expenses and to make strategic investments in its educational mission. These sources are outlined in the areas below and include student tuition and fees, research contracts and grants, private fundraising and fee-for-service operations.
Click here to view* the recorded budget overview presentation from the spring 2022 Coffee & Budget sessions.
*CU IdentiKey and password required to view.
The current funds budget is the current overall operating budget at CU Boulder and is broken up between education and general funds, restricted funds, auxiliary funds and direct state funding.
These funds cover the costs associated with CU Boulder’s mission to shape tomorrow’s leaders, be the top university for innovation and to positively impact humanity.
Current and historical funds budgets
CU Boulder's annual budgeted revenues and expenditures are presented to the Board of Regents and approved each spring. Current funds budgets FY 2010 through FY 2025.
Campus revenue history
CU Boulder's sources of revenue include tuition and fees, auxiliary funds, grants and contracts, state funding and gifts. The campus revenue history chart displays how the campus sources of revenue have changed over the last decade.
Revenue breakout
CU Boulder's sources of revenue broken out by percentage of total revenue by fiscal year.
The education and general funds budget makes up the majority of the current funds budget at CU Boulder and is comprised of student tuition and fees, direct state appropriations and indirect cost recovery (ICR).
Revenues from activities conducted primarily to provide facilities or services for students, faculty and staff.
- Book Store
- Continuing Education
- Housing and Dining
- Parking Services
- Sales and services of educational departments
Restricted revenue consists of funds restricted by donors or outside agencies for specific purposes, such as research funding and philanthropy.
- Gifts and donations
- Contracts and grants
- Endowment and investments
- Federal financial aid programs