Prof’s class examines the sociology of yoga
Professor Lori M. Hunter has spent a semester prompting students to grapple with questions about the intersection of society and yoga. The course, which she believes is the first of its kind, is an upper-division class designed to hone students’ critical-thinking skills.
Kids weave tales of snakes and eagles and bears
Two first graders walk into a class. They open a science book they wrote together. They read it aloud to college students, who clap and ask questions. This is no joke. It’s a joint effort of a science-writing class at CU-Boulder and a first-grade class at Bear Creek Elementary School.
Adolescent caffeine use may raise anxiety-disorder risk
Many have felt the jitters of too much caffeine, but new evidence suggests that such consumption puts adolescents at risk of suffering those symptoms on a daily basis, even after discontinuing use, according to a University of Colorado Boulder study published in the February edition of the journal Psychoneuroendocrinology.
In science, many are blinded by gender stereotype
Feminine and ‘attractive’ women deemed less likely to be scientists In her leading role for the 1993 blockbuster science-fiction movie, “Jurassic Park,” actor Laura Dern played a brilliant paleobotanist who looked as you might expect for someone who pokes through steaming piles of dinosaur poop — hiking boots, khaki shorts,...