About Us

About the publication

The Colorado Arts & Sciences Magazine is published by the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Colorado Boulder. We are the intellectual core of the university, conducting research, scholarship, creative work and education in more than 60 fields, including the natural sciences, social sciences and arts and humanities. Our research generates new knowledge, solving some of the world’s most critical problems.

  Magazine Archive


Dean: Glen Krutz

Assistant Dean for Communications, Editor-in-Chief: Clint Talbott

Senior Communications Specialist, Managing Editor: vacant

Writer and Editor: Bradley Worrell

Contact Us

Please send comments, suggestions and ideas to:

Clint Talbott
College of Arts and Sciences
University of Colorado
1-24 Old Main
Campus Box 275
Boulder, CO 80309-0275

Current and Prospective Students

Please visit the College of Arts and Sciences Main Website to find information on academic programs, scholarships, special programs and research opportunities.

Giving Opportunities

Please visit the College of Arts and Sciences Giving Page to explore the wide range of opportunities available to support the university's educational mission.

A&S Alumni

Please visit the College of Arts and Sciences Alumni Page to connect with programs and activities that bring our Forever Buffs together worldwide.

Buffalo Bicycle Classic

The Buffalo Bicycle Classic is the largest source of scholarships in the College. And it's great fun as well. Ride as part of a team, volunteer at an aid station or sponsor a rider. You can also participate in the Buffalo Walk and Run!