Lauren Barrett


Hale 370 #1

(BA Anthropology & Italian, 2015 University of Colorado; MA Anthropology, 2019 University of Colorado). Lauren is a PhD candidate in cultural anthropology and she is interested in the sociopolitical construction of energy systems and energy transitions, and how concepts of justice and equity are being integrated (or not) into the current efforts to transition Colorado’s energy systems away from fossil fuels. Her dissertation, based on 13 months of in-depth ethnographic research with Colorado’s Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP), follows energy professionals as they seek to implement energy efficiency and decarbonization initiatives in the form of beneficial electrification measures in homes across the state. She is currently writing her dissertation, which argues that these encounters between energy professionals and income-qualified residents provide important perspectives on what it means to integrate new electric appliances and technologies within the preexisting assemblages of human and non-human relationships, materialities, policies, and daily rhythms that represent “home.”


2022 Wenner-Gren Foundation Dissertation Fieldwork Grant

2022 National Science Foundation DDRIG (Doctoral Dissertation Research Award)