Herbert Covert

  • Professor Emeritus
  • (PH.D.
  • 1985)

My research focuses on the behavioral ecology and conservation of endangered colobine monkeys and gibbons of Vietnam. Since 2004, I have been involved in the Khau Ca Forest Tonkin snub-nosed monkey conservation project in Ha Giang Province. Survey, census and behavioral data reveal that the population at Khau Ca is presently stable and increasing in size. Initial behavioral ecological data including information on feeding, habitat preference, social organization, and ranging behavior have been collected and are being used to help plan a forest expansion and rehabilitation program. These activities provided the impetus for the Vietnam government to support the establishment of a species/habitat conservation area at Khau Ca in 2009. Since 2008, I have been working with colleagues from the Southern Institute of Ecology (SIE) of Ho Chi Minh City on a series of conservation projects focusing on silvered langurs, doucs, and gibbons.  I also work with the Department of Nature Conservation of Vietnam’s Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) of Hanoi in long-term planning of primate conservation.

Selected Publications:

  • Harrison-Levine, A., Covert H.H., Norconk, M.A., dos Santos, R.R.; Barnett, A.A., and Fearnside, P. 2018 Dams: primate responses to widespread anthropic flooding. In A. A. Barnett, Ikki Matsuda, and K. Nowak (eds) Primates in Flooded Habitats: Ecology and Conservation. Cambridge Press.
  • Hoang Van Chuong, Hoang Minh Duc, Ha Thang Long, Bui Van Tuan, Covert, H.H., and Williams, S.E. 2018 A Review of the Distribution of a New Gibbon Species: The Northern Yellow-cheeked Crested Gibbon Nomascus annamensis Thinh, Mootnick, Thanh, Nadler and Roos, 2010.  Primate Conservation 32 7pp.
  • Clayton, J.B., Al-Ghalith G.A., Ha Thang Long, Bui Van Tuan, Cabana, F., Hu Huang, Vangay, P., Ward, T., Vo Van Minh, Nguyen Ai Tam, Nguyen Tat Dat, Travis, D.A., Murtaugh, M.P., Covert, H.H., Glander, K.E., Nadler, T., Toddes, B., Sha, J.C.M., Singer, R., Knights, D., and Johnson, T.J. 2018 Associations Between Nutrition, Gut Microbiome, an Health in A Novel Nonhuman Primate Model. Nature: Scientific Reports 8:11159 DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-29277-x
  • Byron, C.D. Granatosky, M.C. and Covert, H.H. 2017 An anatomical and mechanical analysis of the douc monkey (genus Pygathrix), and its role in understanding the evolution of brachiation. Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 164:801–820. DOI: 10.1002/ajpa.23320
  • Covert, H.H., Hoang Minh Duc, Le Khac Quyet, Ang, A., Harrison-Levine, A. and Tran Van Bang 2017 Primates of Vietnam:  Conservation in a Rapidly Developing Country. Anthropology Now 9(2) 27-44. DOI 10.1080/19428200.2017.1337353
  • Bang Van Tran, Minh Anh Nguyen, Dat Quoc Nguyen, Quan Bich Thi Truong, Ang, A. Covert, H.H., and Duc Minh Hoang 2017 Current conservation status of Germain’s langur (Trachypithecus germaini) in Vietnam.  Primates 58:435-440  DOI 10.1007/s10329-017-0610-2
  • Ang, A., Srivathsan, A., Meier, R., Tuong Bach Luu, Le Khac Quyet, and Covert, H.H.  2016 No evidence for mitochondrial genetic variability in the largest population of critically endangered Tonkin snub-nosed monkeys in Vietnam.  Primates 57:449–453 DOI 10.1007/s10329-016-0571-x
  • Le Hong Thia, Hoang Minh Duc, and Covert, H.H.  2015  Nghien Cuu Thanh Phan Thuc An Cua Vooc Bac Dong Duong (Trachypithecus germaini Milne-Edwards, 1876) Tai Khu Vuc Nui Da Voi Huyen Kien Luong, Tinh Kien Giang (The Study of the Diet of the Indochinese silvered langur (Trachypithecus germaini Milne-Edwards, 1876) in Kien Luong Karst Area, Kien Giang Province). Tap Chi Cong nghe Sinh hoc (Journal of Biotechnology) 13(4A): 1185-1193.
  • Stucky, R.K. and Covert H.H.  2014 A new genus and species of early Eocene (Ypresian) Artiodactyla (Mammalia), Gagadon minimonstrum, from Bitter Creek, Wyoming, U.S.A., Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 34:3, 731-736, DOI: 10.1080/02724634.2013.827580

Graduate Studies Information

Professor Covert focuses on the behavioral ecology and conservation of endangered Vietnamese primates of Southeast Asia. His earlier work was studying primate evolution with a focus on adaptations and phylogeny of Eocene primates.

More about Professor Covert

Professor Covert’s other research activities include comparing the behavioral ecology of sympatric populations of Annamese silvered langurs and black-shanked doucs in southern Vietnam to better understand relationships between morphology, behavior, adaptation, and evolution.