Cathy Cameron
- Professor
- (PH.D.
- 1991)
I am an archaeologist working in the American Southwest and have focused especially on the Chaco Phenomenon. I have worked in Chaco Canyon, New Mexico, in northeastern Arizona and currently work in SE Utah. I conducted excavations at the Bluff Great House site in Bluff, Utah as part of the University of Colorado field school. Chaco and After in the Northern San Juan: Excavations at the Bluff Great House was published by the University of Arizona Press in 2009. I have also overseen projects in the Comb Wash area of SE Utah undertaken by the Bureau of Land Management. I have long-term interests in prehistoric population dynamics and especially processes of abandonment and migration and have published books and articles on these processes in the Southwest and elsewhere (see publications). Currently I study a particular type of migrant - captives. An edited volume Invisible Citizens: Captives and Their Consequences was published by the University of Utah Press in 2008 and an article "Captives and Culture Change: Implications for Archaeologists" was published by Current Anthropology in 2011. During my sabbatical (2010-2011) I was a Weatherhead Fellow at the School for Advanced Research in Santa Fe writing a book on captives in prehistory.
Selected Publications:
2022. Cameron, Catherine M. Captives: The Invisible Migrant. In Homo Migrans: Modeling Mobility and Migration in Human History, edited by Megan Daniels. IEMA Proceedings, State University of New York Press.
2022. Gutierrez, Gerardo and Catherine M. Cameron. Not Just Disease: Ideology of Risk and Indigenous Population Decline in North America. Economic Anthropology (The Symposium) 9:155-157.
2019. Cameron, Catherine M. Beyond Trade and Exchange: A New Look at Diffusion. In Interaction and Connectivity in the Greater Southwest, edited by Karen Harry and Barbara Roth, University Press of Colorado, Boulder
2019. Ellyson, Laura, Timothy Kohler, and Catherine M. Cameron How Far from Chaco to Oraibi? Quantifying Inequality among Pueblo Households. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 55:1 – 14.
2018. Lenski, Noel and Catherine M. Cameron, editors. What is a Slave Society: The Practice of Slavery in Global Perspective. Cambridge University Press.
2018 - CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title
2016. Cameron, Catherine M. Captives: How Stolen People Changed the World. University of Nebraska Press.
2015. Catherine M. Cameron, Paul Kelton, and Alan Swedlund, editors. Beyond Germs: Native Depopulation in North America, University of Arizona Press, Tucson.
2016 - CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title
2016 - Winner Gordon R. Willey Prize, American Anthropological Association
2013. Cameron, Catherine M. How People Moved Among Ancient Societies: Broadening the View.American Anthropologist 115 (2):218-231.
2011. Cameron, Catherine M. Captives and Culture Change: Implications for Archaeologists. Current Anthropology 52(2):169-209.
- 2011. Ortman, Scott G. and Catherine M. Cameron. A Framework for Controlled Comparisons of Ancient Southwestern Movement. In Movement, Connectivity, and Landscape Change in the Ancient Southwest, edited by Margaret Nelson and Colleen Strawhacker,pp. 233-252. University Press of Colorado.
- 2010. Advances in Understanding the Thirteenth Century Depopulation of the Northern Southwest. In Leaving Mesa Verde: Peril and Change in the Thirteenth Century Southwest, edited by Timothy A. Kohler, Mark D. Varien, and Aaron M. Wright,pp. 346-364. University of Arizona Press.
- 2009. Chaco and After in the Northern San Juan: Excavations at the Bluff Great House. University of Arizona Press.
- 2008 .Catherine M. Cameron, editor. Invisible Citizens: Captives and their Consequences. University of Utah Press.
- 2008. Cameron, Catherine M. and Andrew Duff. History and Process in Village Formation: Context and Contrasts from the Northern Southwest. American Antiquity 73(1).
- 2008. Comparing Great House Architecture: Perspectives from the Bluff Great House. In Salmon Ruins: Chacoan Outlier and Thirteenth-Century Pueblo in the Middle San Juan Region, edited by Paul Reed,pp. 251-272. University of Utah Press, Salt Lake.
- 2007. Cameron, Catherine M. and Phil Geib. Earthen Architecture at a Chacoan Great House. Journal of Field Archaeology 32:1-14.