Published: May 19, 2021
Rob Weiner Next to a Rock Formation

Rob has recently published two lead author, peer-reviewed articles in two different Anthropological Journals.

The first is "Great Houses for Whom?: Chacoan Monumental Architecture in Cross-Cultural, Cognitive, and Ethnohistorical Perspective" in Time and Mind: The Journal of Archaeology, Consciousness, and Culture.

It proposes a new interpretation of Chacoan Great Houses as "god house" temples using insights from cognitive science, cross-cultural comparison, and Southwestern ethnohistory.

The second is: "Asdzáán Náhodidáhí (Lady Picker-Up) at Fajada Butte: Astronomy, Landscape, and the Basketmaker III Origins of Chacoan Ceremonialism" published in Kiva: The Journal of Southwestern Anthropology and History.

It combines evidence from Navajo oral traditions, astronomy, and landscape to propose that Chaco was recognized as a sacred center beginning in the Basketmaker III period.

Way to go, Rob!