ANTH 1155 Exploring Global Cultural Diversity: Anthropology of Climate Change

This course focuses on some of the present, and possible future, socio-ecological conditions of life on planet earth. In particular we will work to understand the historic, economic, political, and socio-cultural forces that created the conditions we call climate change. With this we will take a particular interest in the question of how race, ethnicity, Indigeneity, class, and gender articulate with the material effects of climate change. The course also focuses on how we, as scholars, citizens, and activists can work to alter these current conditions in ways that foster social and ecological justice for all living beings.
The course will be a combination of lecture and discussion. Students will be assigned a small group to work in, which will be the same group of students they will work with throughout the semester. Each student is expected to attend each class and participate in each class discussion. Many class meetings will involve group or paired work. Students are also expected to participate fully in the collaborative work.
Professor Jerry Jacka