
Mara Vahratian

Women and Gender Studies academic advisor
Use BuffPortal to see current availability and schedule individual appointments.

New Major and Minor Meetings:

To declare a major or minor in Women and Gender Studies, you can apply online by visiting BuffPortal. Email your advisor if you have any difficulty declaring a major through BuffPortal. Enrolling in the GGSS Certificate Program is done through the department office, see Global Gender and Sexuality Studies Certificate page for more information.

You may call upon any Women and Gender Studies faculty member for informal advising, preferably during their office hours. You may email the faculty member to request an appointment outside of their office hours. See the current course schedule or call 303-492-8923 for faculty office hours.

Scheduling an Advising Appointment:

All appointments with the academic advisor should be scheduled online through the BuffPortal website.


  • Minors should ask questions during walk-ins and via e-mail. If you are not available during these times, please let your advisor know via e-mail to can set up a time to meet.
  • Your degree audit shows your progress toward minor completion. If you believe it looks accurate and you plan on completing the minor, you don’t need to do anything else for the minor to prepare for graduation! If it does not look correct, or if you want to drop the minor, please contact your advisor.


  • Majors need to make an appointment for questions such as “How many more classes do I need to finish my degree?” or “What courses should I take next term?” My walk-ins are for short questions and major/minor declaration.
  • To make an appointment, please visit Note that you are able to schedule appointments for the upcoming two weeks. Your advisor generally does not schedule advising appointments via e-mail.
  • When you plan to meet with your advisor, please keep in mind that January, March, April, August, October, and November are the busiest times. It may be much easier to make an appointment in February, early March, September, and early October. In general, most majors should meet with their advisor at least once a year, and will help ensure that you’re on track to graduate.
  • Be sure to consult your official academic advisor for a degree audit as you near graduation, and fill out graduation paperwork at least nine months before you graduate.