This week features the CU Bike Fest, several film screenings, a Latino Heritage Month celebration, the CU vs. Northern Colorado home football game, TEDxBoulder 2017 and the International Picnic held at Boulder's Martin Park.
Join LASP team members Sept. 15 as they celebrate the end of an era for NASA's Cassini. After almost 20 years in space, the spacecraft will conclude its remarkable story as it plunges into Saturn's atmosphere.
Charlottesville in Historical Perspective
All are welcome to join the CU Boulder History Department for a new series of panel discussions and lectures. The first event Sept. 19 will feature presentations by three faculty members who have personal experience with Nazism, the KKK and white supremacy.
Two town hall events remain on the calendar for this month, Sept. 12 at Norlin Library and Sept. 14 at the Discovery Learning Center. All are invited to join the community discussions on Rethinking the University—the futures of learning and discovery. Opportunities also exist to nominate someone or volunteer for a committee to oversee the process.