Published: March 3, 2021

CU Boulder Provost Russell Moore and Senior Vice Provost for Academic Planning and Assessment Katherine Eggert have named the members of the committee to conduct a national search for a new dean for undergraduate education to succeed Mary Kraus, vice provost and associate vice chancellor for undergraduate education.

“The new dean will have the opportunity to build on Mary’s outstanding achievements, including her advancements in academic programs and services for undergraduate students and her commitment to student success,” Moore said.

Eggert has named Ann Schmiesing, executive vice provost for academic resource management, to head the search committee, which will create a leadership profile that will guide the group in identifying candidates of the highest caliber.

The committee will begin meeting this month. Other members of the search committee include faculty, students and staff.

The search committee for undergraduate education dean includes:

  • Committee chair: Ann Schmiesing, executive vice provost for academic resource management, professor of German and Scandinavian Studies.
  • Shelly Bacon, associate vice provost for advising and exploratory studies.
  • Otha Barrow, academic advisor, Engineering Plus Program.
  • Paul Chinowsky, professor of civil, environmental and architectural engineering and director, Program in Environmental Design.
  • Dawn Fettig, associate director of advising, College of Arts and Sciences.
  • Hope Fox, undergraduate majoring in history with a minor in economics.
  • Dan Gette, interim assistant vice chancellor for student affairs.
  • Vicki Grove, senior instructor of Russian and vice chair, Boulder Faculty Assembly.
  • Aisha Jackson, assistant vice chancellor and assistant vice provost for academic and learning technologies.
  • Kevin MacLennan, interim associate vice chancellor for enrollment management.
  • Corinna Rohse, director, Student Academic Success Center.
  • Seth Spielman, chief data strategy and analytics officer, Office of Data Analytics and associate professor of geography.
  • Cindy White, associate professor of communication and associate dean for undergraduate curriculum and programs, College of Media, Communication and Information.

Eggert plans to name a new dean by summer 2021.