Published: Feb. 2, 2021

The University of Colorado System has announced a search for a new leader of its Office of Digital Education (ODE) and is seeking input on a first draft of a Master Services Agreement (MSA) between the ODE and the four CU campuses.

The ODE is leading the coordination of online and distance education across CU’s four campuses. The search for its new leader will be led by CU Boulder Chief Operating Officer Pat O’Rourke with support from CU system Vice President for Administration Kathy Nesbitt. Once a new leader is found, the individual will interface with CU Boulder’s Dean of University Libraries and Senior Vice Provost of Online Education Robert McDonald, who heads CU Boulder’s online and distance education efforts.

“The search committee has been formed and the job description is currently being drafted. A search firm will be selected soon and the search will be expedited,” O’Rourke said. “Key among the qualities the ideal firm will bring is a keen understanding of unique campus teaching, learning and curricular priorities as they relate to CU Online.”

The MSA is expected to be complete by mid-February, McDonald said. 

The CU system has also hired Greenhouse Partners to develop broad marketing for the CU system online brand and complement the work done by the ODE team.

As part of its due diligence, Greenhouse will interview people inside and outside the university, as well as assess the competitive landscape for online and distance education regionally and nationally, McDonald said.

“Greenhouse will also work closely with the communication and marketing vice chancellors from the campuses to develop a marketing plan with scheduled implementation next fall,” McDonald said.