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Hear the results of learning management system evaluation surveys

If you go
Who: Students, faculty and staff
What: Town hall to discuss results of LMS surveys
Where: University Memorial Center, room 247
Session I: Monday, Feb. 27, 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Session II: Wednesday, March 1, 2:30 to 4 p.m.


Space is limited. Please register in advance.


Earlier this month, Mary Kraus, vice provost and associate vice chancellor for Undergraduate Education, and Larry Levine, associate vice chancellor and chief information officer, updated the campus about a faculty- and student-driven initiative that seeks to evaluate the campus’ learning management system (LMS).

In late fall, the LMS Evaluation project team conducted a survey of students and of faculty and staff to gather feedback about their experiences with the primary LMS they use, as well as areas for improvement. Response to the surveys was overwhelming: 1,599 responses from faculty and 697 from students.

All campus constituents are now invited to attend a town hall where the project team will present the results of the surveys and provide an update on the progress of the LMS Evaluation and Selection Initiative. During the session, you will also have the opportunity to share your insights and ask questions about the project.

Refreshments will be provided. Space is limited, and advance registration is greatly appreciated. Please sign up now.