Your student government: Fall 2016 election events
The University of Colorado Student Government fall election will be held Oct. 31-Nov. 3. CUSG will hold a Candidate Summit on Wednesday, Oct. 19, and a Candidate Town Hall on Tuesday, Oct. 25.
Candidate Summit
Come grab a bite with the candidates for the open Representatives at Large seats. Enjoy some free food as you ask candidates about their stances in this informal and casual setting. Come with a question or just shoot the breeze for a while with the candidates.
When: Oct. 19, 5:15 to 6:30 p.m.
Where: EDUC 220
Candidate Town Hall
The Town Hall is a perfect chance to find out exactly what the candidates for the five Representative At Large positions stand for. Students are encouraged to come with questions which they can either ask themselves or pass to the election commission to be read by the moderator. Don't forget that Boss Lady graciously sponsored this event and has provided free pizza to attendees.
When: Oct. 25, 6 to 8 p.m.
Where: HLMS 252