Wednesday, Oct. 5, 7:30 p.m.
LASP Space Technology Building
1234 Innovation Drive
Boulder, CO
While Al Roker and other meteorologists may be salivating over the new and improved terrestrial weather data to come from GOES-R, there are many others who are more excited by a different set of anticipated measurements from the new series of NOAA satellites: the space weather data. Space weather impacts many aspects of our technology-dependent society, from GPS to satellite navigation to power grids.
In this presentation, GOES-R EXIS lead scientist, Frank Eparvier, will give an overview of space weather, how it affects us, and the exciting new capabilities that GOES-R will provide us for real-time space weather monitoring. The first satellite in this series, with the LASP-built EXIS instrument on-board, is slated to launch on Nov. 4, 2016.