Published: Aug. 9, 2016

Researchers at CU Boulder are seeking participants for two different studies on pain. Pain is always tolerable. Both studies offer compensation.

Individuals Researchers at CU Boulder are seeking healthy individuals between the ages of 18 and 55 for laboratory and brain imaging (fMRI) studies on mechanisms of pain and emotion. Studies use heat and pressure pain. Pain is always tolerable. The compensation is $12-$24 per hour for up to six hours. To complete online eligibility screening, please visit:

Couples Researchers at CU Boulder are seeking healthy individuals in romantic relationships between the ages of 18-55 for a laboratory study on mechanisms of pain and emotion. This study uses heat pain, and involves touch-based interaction (on the arm and hand) between the participant, the participant's romantic partner, and the experimenter. The pain is always tolerable. Volunteers receive $10-24 per hour for participation. Sessions range from 1-4 hours. If you are eligible to participate, a member of our research team will contact you via email within a week with more information. Online eligibility form.