The CU Boulder Veteran and Military Affairs (VMA) is a one-stop shop for all programs, policies, pay, information and support for prospective and current student veterans and veteran dependents.
VMA understands that veterans and military members living, working, and receiving their education at CU Boulder are a valued and vital component of our campus community. We recognize and honor their sacrifices and value their life experiences as they broaden the diversity of our staff, faculty and student body. We also recognize their special circumstances and the need for our campus to assist them in making the successful transition into our campus environment.
VMA supplements the recruitment and retention of veterans to the Boulder campus. We provide a key point of contact for counseling and program information for the veteran/military community at CU Boulder, while developing and maintaining productive relations with off-campus organizations and programs serving veterans.
The office is located on the third floor of the Center for Academic Success and Engagement (CASE Building).
For more information, visit the Veteran and Military Affairs website, email, or call 303-492-7322.