EMEA 5031 Project Management: Foundations and Initiation

  • Specialization: Product Management
  • Instructor: Christy Bozic
  • Prior knowledge needed: No specific background is necessary to succeed at this course.

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Learning Outcomes 

  • By successfully completing this course, you will be able to define the role of a project manager and describe different project management methods.
  • You will be able to produce a project charter and a stakeholder analysis.
  • And you will be able to from a successful project team and determine project resources.

Course Content

In this module, you will learn how this course is structured and assessed. You will also be introduced to the practice of project management and the role of the project manager.


In this module, you will learn the processes required to ensure the project is delivered with the specified features and functions. You will also learn to develop a team charter.


In this module, you will learn the framework for analyzing and communicating with project stakeholders. 


In this module, you will learn the tools used in project resource management.  You will also gain a better understanding of what drives team performance and how to lead a high-performing project team.


This module contains materials for the final project for ME-EM degree students. If you've upgraded to the for-credit version of this course, please make sure you review the additional for-credit materials in the Introductory module and anywhere else they may be found.


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