What is AGeS3

The AGeS3 initiative combines mature (AGeS-Grad), prototype (AGeS-DiG, Diversity in Geochronology), and new (AGeS-TRaCE, Training and Community Engagement) award programs. These programs provide modest ($8-$15k) support for 1) high-impact collaborative science projects that provide access to geochronology data, mentorship, and training (AGeS-Grad), 2) pilot initiatives aimed at increasing access to geochronology for those underrepresented in Earth sciences (AGeS-DiG), and 3) efforts to address other geochronology needs, such as creating new access to geochronology knowledge or promoting discussion about key geochronology issues (AGeS-TRaCE).

Micro-funding can have a unique transformative impact on the sciences. A common element of the three micro-support programs is making small investments that cumulatively advance the field. AGeS3 will harness expertise and creativity across the Earth sciences, both in geochronology labs and the many researchers who rely on lab-generated data, by enabling collaborative science. The small and flexible AGeS grants can catalyze collaborations between different disciplines, enabling important scientific advances that may not happen within the bubble of more standard grants.

AGeS-Grad deadlines

Feb 4, 2025

Feb 2, 2026

Feb 1, 2027

AGeS-DiG deadlines

Oct 1, 2025

Oct 2027

AGeS-TRaCE deadlines

Oct 2026