In a campus and community collaboration, we’re looking forward to an exciting residency featuring two outstanding artists–renowned klezmer violinist Alicia Svigals and celebrated silent film pianist Donald Sosin.
CU’s contribution to the worldwide celebration of the composer will feature concerts from all corners of the college and culminate with Eklund Opera’s “West Side Story.”
A new cross-town collaboration is giving College of Music faculty an opportunity to broaden their horizons and share their art with the greater Boulder community.
This Saturday, Steven Bruns, Abigail Nims and Alexandra Nguyen present "A Musical Exploration of Grief Beyond Words" as part of the CU on the Weekend series.
Theory faculty Yonatan Malin and Keith Waters will lead a discussion Saturday, Oct. 24, during CU on the Weekend, titled "Gershwin Meets Schubert: Words, Music and Song."
This summer, music theory instructor Kris Shaffer, a colleague in Oregon and two CU-Boulder music students will be happily buried beneath a pile of code, phonetics, melodies and counter-melodies.