Center for Effective Abatement of Nutrients (CLEAN)

Subaward to CU from Colorado State University

  • Principal Investigator: Mazdak Arabi
  • CU Investigators: Rajagopalan Balaji, JoAnn Silverstein, Joseph Kasprzyk
  • Funding Agency: Environmental Protection Agency
  • Total Award: $2,220,150
  • Award Period: 9/1/2013-8/1/2017
  • Kasprzyk Support: 1 mo summer salary and student co-advised with R. Balaji, both in years 3-4


The mission of the CLEAN center is to create knowledge, build capacity, and forge collaboration to develop and demonstrate sustainable solutions for reduction of nutrient pollution in the nation’s water resources.  Kasprzyk contributes to the decision support system developed in the second half of the project.

Bihu Suchetana
We are currently working with CU graduate student Bihu Suchetana on this project.


