collaboration with Western Water Assessment

  • Principal Investigator: Lisa Dilling
  • Co-Principal Investigators: Joseph Kasprzyk, Kristen Averyt, Eric Gordon, Imtiaz Rangwala, Leon Basdekas, Laurna Kaatz
  • Funding Agency: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
  • Total Award: $276,064
  • Award Period: 8/1/2014-7/1/2016
  • Kasprzyk Support: 1 mo summer salary and support for one graduate student through project duration


The project seeks to improve water management under climate change in the Front Range of Colorado by (i) holding a series of workshops with six Front Range water utilities to understand best practices for using Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm (MOEA) based decision support and (ii) co-producing a water management test bed, which combines MOEAs, water system infrastructure models, and plausible climate change projections.

Rebecca SmithCU graduate student Rebecca Smith is funded on the project.



NOAA Model

Above is the hypothetical water network model we developed in collaboration with stakeholders, for our demonstrations on the project.  Learn more about what we are working on, in our poster from DMDU 2016 here!!